In just a couple of hours on a Friday afternoon, we built this wireless battery powered pedal board.
Using a Mission 529 battery power supply, a Line 6 Relay G10 wireless guitar system, a Pedaltrain Nano, and some mini effects pedals, this small, light pedal board is going to give us the fastest and easiest set up and tear down ever.
That’s pretty slick!
I am building a wireless board at present. Just looking for a decent battery to power it. Your products look very good quality.
I’d like to do this with my board and will likely need 2 qty 529s to cover all the pedals and 2 H9s. I also need to power a musicomlab efxiii+ pedal switcher. According to the manual: “Power Requirements The EFX MkIII+ Audio Controller requires a regulated 12VDC or 9VAC at approximately 250mA. The power jack is a standard 5.5mm/2.1mm barrel.
The EFX MkIII+ Audio Controller can also be powered from outputs 5 or 6 of the Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2 Plus.You must set the corresponding DIP switch away from the normal position.”
What’s the best way to cover 2qty H9s, the 4-5 regular stomp boxes I use AND the Musicomlab efxiii?
Wow! Just what I wanted to know.
I bought a 529 (2 actually), an Expressionator and a SP-25 Pro Aero for my mini pedalboard. I emailed Mission several times to ask if the USB OUT could power my Relay G10 but received no answer. I was googling for something else and found this link. It answers my question. There are a couple of others on TheGearPage that would like to know about this so I will copy this link there.
THANKS AGAIN. This is just Perfect.