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I am the founder and CEO of Mission Engineering

The Significance of Certification

    Have you ever looked at the underside of a pedal or the rear of a guitar amplifier and wondered about all those little symbols such as FCC, CE, CSA, TUV or UL? Why is it that we typically see those on products from the big players, but not on the boutique devices? What exactly does ‘This equipment has been tested… Read More »The Significance of Certification

    Cables: Which Are Best?

    In this blog post, we are going to take some different cables into the lab, and look at how they stack up in terms of some basic, measurable numbers. In our test, we have seven different cables varying in price from less than $6 to over $250. There are a variety of different core materials and jack plating’s, as well… Read More »Cables: Which Are Best?

    BYOP: Build Your Own Pedal

      When I was a kid learning about engineering and electronics, the magazines that we read in the pre-internet days were full of articles, projects, and kits promising hours of enjoyment and even the proposition of making money from my favorite pastime. Electronics kit building kind of fell out of favor during the computer age as the home based technology nuts… Read More »BYOP: Build Your Own Pedal

      Playing With Effects

        Ever wonder exactly what people mean by hard clipping and soft clipping? What exactly is modulation? How measurable are the differences between say, a Big Muff and a RAT? One of the neat things about multi-effect devices is they bundle many different effects into a single package, and with a few additional tools we can use them to visualize the… Read More »Playing With Effects

        The Power of USB

        The Universal Serial Bus (USB) has been a prevalent standard for connecting accessories to computing devices since its initial release in 1996. The USB interface is increasingly being used in environments we would not traditionally consider directly related to computing, especially audio. The ability to carry power and data, including digital audio, along the same small, low cost and easily… Read More »The Power of USB

        Understanding Boost Pedals

        Boost pedals are a paradox; they are the simplest of devices, most with just a single knob, yet they can also be a challenge to integrate to achieve the desired effect. Much more than say a delay, chorus, or even many distortions; the heart of a good boost lies not in the boost pedal itself, but in the complex interactions… Read More »Understanding Boost Pedals

        Troubleshooting Your Rig

        Guitar signal noisy, intermittent, or just plain dead? Unable to make it through a rehearsal without something fizzing, popping, or blowing up? Sooner or later something is going to fail, and every rig needs some regular maintenance to keep it running at its best. If you are not in a platinum selling band with your own guitar tech, then you… Read More »Troubleshooting Your Rig

        The Magic of Digital Effects Pedals

        Those of us interested in guitar effects pedals are spoiled for choice in the current age. There are hundreds, possibly even thousands of small and large effects pedal makers producing all manner of different effects with a wide range of features and price points. However, one thing is notable by its absence, or rarity anyway. How many boutique digital effects… Read More »The Magic of Digital Effects Pedals

        Power Supply Hacks

          9VDC from a battery or an external center pin negative power connector is the de-facto standard for effects pedal power. Back in the early days of effects pedals, this was a common voltage for portable devices using the PP3 style battery. Though modern microchip-based electronics use much smaller voltages, such as 5, 3.3, or 1.5, we keep the 9V format… Read More »Power Supply Hacks