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Head Cab for DSL40C

For those not familiar, Stagecraft is the Mission Engineering division that designs and builds speaker and amp cabinets for many boutique tube amp vendors around the world. Stagecraft also builds custom cabinets for individual customers from the stagecraftgear web store.

The number one custom request we receive at Stagecraft, is for a head cabinet for the DSL40C amp. Only available from the manufacturer in combo format, the DSL40C is a fantastic sounding and super flexible tube amp. You can swap between the Plexi style ‘Classic’ and JCM800 like ‘Ultra’ gain stages at the touch of a foot-switch making this a great amp for playing live with both rhythm and lead tones. Flexible tone controls, separate reverb settings for the two channels, and an effects loop round out a very complete amp.

A pentode/triode mode switch alternates between 20W and 40W outputs making the DSL40C very usable for both home and small stage compared to it’s mighty 100W brother the DSL100H. It’s no wonder a lot of guitar players are keen to get a hold of a head version to use this amp with their own choice of speaker cabinets.

The Stagecraft DSL Rack Head features:
Birch cabinet with authentic British style black Tolex, grill cloth, and white piping.
Black plastic corners with brass screws.
Removable back panel with gold color metal grill.
Black or gold top handle.
Four rubber feet.
Foil top shielding with mounting bolts.

Everything you need to turn the DSL40C combo into an awesome head.

The Stagecraft DSL Rack Head is available now from


DSL Head FrontDSL Head Rear

11 thoughts on “Head Cab for DSL40C”

  1. Do you have an idea when the cabinet for the dsl 40CR will be available ? I wait for that one. And i see pics of the 40C and it seems to be the same chassis why it dosent fit ?

    1. I don’t think forced air cooling is necessary. There is plenty of space around the power tubes and a large vent at the rear.

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